Great at a club
This is something that would work very well at rave party. But just to listen to it isn't really that enyojable after about 3 minutes. If it was me that made it I would make some kind of change somewhere around there.
I downloaded the higher quality version, but it would still benefit from even higher quality. I understand that you need to lower the quality with the NG version but with the original mixdown I recommend anything above 200kbps, (I usually sample at 256kbps) you'll get huge files but it's worth it:)
One more thing about that. I can't put my finger on it but the mix sound a bit well.. quiet. and like there is some kind of very small filter on it. dunno really. but I would look into that:)
Hmm now it kinda sounded like I didn't like it, but I do, I like the synths and the arrangement, I'm just trying to be constructive.
keep it up! I hope you blow my mind with your next song:)